Where it began...
On October 6, 1995, a Siamese-mix cat arrived at Bonanza Cat Hospital for evaluation when a volunteer feeding strays at a trailer park noticed this cat had a severe head tilt. Due to this medical condition and tests that showed she had FIV (Feline AIDS), it was determined that this kitty was un-adoptable because she would need lifetime daily medication to help her compromised immune system. Bonanza Cat Hospital became her new home and she was named “Poppy.”
Poppy had attitude! She delighted in standing on the examining room tables and taking swipes at the staff whenever they passed through. She also began to develop quite a reputation as the “official greeter,” casually sauntering out to the clinic waiting room with her tilted head and crooked mouth to “honor” a few lucky people by allowing them to pet her. Several of our clients began donating money towards her care and the cost of her medical needs.
Poppy passed away in 2001, but she left paw prints on our hearts forever. We all loved her dearly and miss her every day, but she inspired a legacy- a rescue dedicated to the lifelong care of un-adoptable, medically-dependent, and special needs cats in Las Vegas.
Visit Us
We've moved! The Poppy Foundation has relocated to a new building.
Donations can be sent or dropped off to:
3915 Helen Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89130

Visiting hours by appointment only. Please email poppyfoundation@gmail.com to arrange a visiting time.

We have been honored with a Top-Rated Award in 2023 from GreatNonProfits!
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The Poppy Foundation is proud to be a 100% Giving Board. The 100% Giving Board Award recognizes nonprofits that actively encourage their Board members to make a personal financial gift to the organization’s operating fund. While time and talent on the board are necessary, board members’ personal financial contribution to the nonprofits they serve is crucial.

The Poppy Foundation is a proud recipient of funding from the Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation